| Nov. 6, Thursday |
Ch. 5 Sec. 9
Resources to Understand Lesson
Hi Class! Sorry I'm out. I hope you are doing great and glad you have no school tomorrow! Please follow these directions and be on your BEST behavior for the substitute. I will check your notebook on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!
2) Watch this video and take notes if you have your headphones. If you do not have headphones...first, WHY?! second, turn the captions on. (There is Level 0 Talking, and no noise)1. Read and rewrite the examples below in you notebook spiral.
3) Work on the practice set problems below.
4) You may work on your homework now. 5) ONLY if you have extra time: when you are done with homework, pg. 273 #47-75 and then you can read a book quietly. |
Tonight’s Homework
| pg. 272 #5-34 all |
Welcome to Pre-Algebra at The Honor Roll School. This website will aid you in success in Pre-Algebra. As you browse this website, you will see calendars, reviews, notes, and resources for you to go to for extra help.